We all know the statue of liberty is pretty huge. Given to the USA as a gift from the French to commemorate the alliance of France and the United States during the American Revolution.

Statue of Liberty

But a more pressing question is, if she needed a new pair of sneakers to replace her sandals, what shoe size would she be?

If you had to take the US shoe size standard and increased it to Lady Liberty’s size, she would wear a whopping 879 Shoe Size! That’s some big shoes to fill.

Some other interesting facts about lady liberty –

  • She has a 35-foot waistline
  • She measures 305 feet (93m) high
  • She weighs 204 metric tons
  • Visitors have to climb 354 stairs to reach her crown
  • There are 25 windows in her crown
  • 300 different types of hammers were used to create her
  • Her face was said to be modelled on the sculptor’s mother, Charlotte
  • Her original torch was replaced in 1984 by a new copper torch covered in 24k gold leaf
  • Her exterior is made of copper, which has gradually turned green due to oxidation.
  • Although you cannot see her feet clearly she is in fact standing among a broken shackle and chains, with her right foot raised, depicting her moving forward away from oppression and slavery.
Projected change of color for Lady Liberty over time

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