We all have our favorite way of eating Oreos. But no one has taught you how to do so. You just started eating them the way you thought was best. Did You Know, the way you decided to eat them may say a lot about your personality?

Bitten Oreo
Oreo – Adobe Images

While this isn’t exact science, your different personality traits often come out in various ways you do things. Take driving for instance, if you are calm and collected, you most likely drive slow and calmly. If you are a go-getter and live life in the fast lane, you are more likely to drive fast and be impatient when others don’t

The same can be said for the way you eat Oreos! Let’s see the different types below.

Oreo Dunked in Milk
Oreo Dunked in Milk – Adobe Images

Different Way to Eat Oreos

  1. Eat the Whole Thing in One Go

Eating the whole Oreo in one bite suggests you like to live life to the full. You are fun, exciting, carefree with a hint of recklessness. You can be irresponsible at times but that’s OK because that’s the price you pay for a good carefree life.

2. One Bite at a Time

Finishing an Oreo one bite at a time suggests you are down to earth and normal. This is most of the population so congrats on being in the majority! This may suggest you lack imagination or creativity but you also don’t have mood swings or take life too seriously.

3. Twisted apart

If you twist the cookie apart, then eat the cookie/white center separately, then you are curious in nature. You like to figure things out and ask questions rather than blindly believing. You are good at problem solving and possibly good with money.

4. Dunk in milk

If you are a dunker, you are soft, warm and just a generally pleasant person. People confide in you with their problems and you are a good listener. You like to focus on the good things in life and don’t let things stress you out unnecessarily.

5. Slow and Methodical

If you take a long time to eat an Oreo, say you twist apart and eat around the little edges of the white part first for example. Then you are calculated and think things through. You are prepared for any ‘worst case scenarios’ and you have a plan and a set of goals for your future.

Are You a Mixture of Some These?

Mix of Oreos
Oreos Close Up – Adobe Images

If you are like me, you can be a mixture of some of them! Perhaps you take one bite, then eat the whole thing thereafter then you are a mix of #1 and #2. Meaning you are carefree but not too reckless. Or you can #1 and #4? You are carefree but also warm and likable. Perhaps you twist apart and then dunk? meaning you are a curious problem solver who is very approachable.

For me personally, I am #3 and #5. I like to twist my Oreo apart, then meticulously eat around the white part. Sometimes I will take 2 cookies, do the same thing and make a super Oreo! Either way it is a slow process and definitely eaten unconventionally. This suggests I am a curious problem solver who also likes to plan ahead for the future. Which is dead on! So what kind of Oreo eater are you?

There is a more detailed version that you can answer here if you’d like – What kind of Oreo Eater are You?

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