Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back – Lucasfilm Ltd

According to Shade Station, to fully replicate Darth Vader’s iconic suit with voice modifier, breathing apparatus, prosthetic limbs, and augmented reality filter, and of course, the base suit itself, would cost an estimated $18,3 Million! Talk about high maintenance.

Here’s a breakdown below from Shade Station.

Darth Vader Suit – Shade Station

Ironically, his most iconic feature, his voice through the breathing apparatus is the cheapest part of his suit coming in at $1000. Because voice synthesizers are quite common and easy to make, this makes it relatively cheap.

Base Suit

The most expensive part of his suit would be the suit itself without the added extras. The need to be airtight and to protect you from all the space elements, you would need a suit similar or better than a NASA space suit which costs around $12 million.

Augmented Reality

Darth Vader’s Helmet would need this functionality for night vision, navigation and advanced targeting. You can get similar helmets in real life that cost around $600,000. This is possibly the coolest yet overlooked feature of his suit.

Darth Vader – Adobe Images

Prosthetic Legs and Arm

In Revenge of the Sith, Darth gets his legs and left arm cut off by Obi Wan Kenobi. In later movies, he can function as if he had these limbs which would suggest he needed top of the range prosthetics. This would fetch a high price of $140,000 for the legs and $40,000 for the left arm.


Darth’s revival can be attributed to his suit supporting his heart and lungs, creating his iconic breathing. Fitting this life support in to the already expensive space suit would fetch a price tag of around $45,000.

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